misfit migrants
Crackerjacks. Cohorts. Greenhorns. Frenemies.
Guest contributors run the gamut, but they all pretty much rock.
Guest contributors run the gamut, but they all pretty much rock.
Guest Contributor Brick
On August 12, 2017 a group of white supremacists and KKK affiliated hooligans decided to march in downtown Charlottesville to protest the removal of Confederate monuments. They were issued a permit and, pursuant to their First Amendment rights, were allowed to protest. The First Amendment protects speech no matter how offensive. We all support the First Amendment, but we do not support the hateful message brought by the white supremacist. Let’s all agree on this.
I want to make something perfectly clear: the black community has every right to be offended, angry, and repulsed by the presence of white supremacists protesting or marching in their community. Our history is littered with examples of white racists carrying torches and parading into a black community demanding punishment for made up crimes. The Greenwood District, Tulsa, OK in 1921 comes to mind. This was a community of black merchants, black families, black teachers, and one of the most successful communities in Oklahoma at that time. A black man accused of raping a white woman was arrested. Black and white mobs showed up to the court house and soon a riot began. 300 people died. Greenwood was destroyed. The most affluent African American community in the country was destroyed by a white mob seeking racial justice. This is our history. This is our reality. When white supremacists, legal or not, parade their hatred, black Americans have a visceral and understandable reaction. A reaction other races cannot truly understand. That is the reality we must own. In Charlottesville we had several people injured and one person killed by a torch bearing, white supremacist who felt righteous in his hatred. This is sickening and disgraceful. Unfortunately mob rule was common in early America, but we are better than that now. At least I thought we were. The past few years we’ve had riots in Missouri, Baltimore, Boston, Berkeley, Oakland, etc. These are perpetrated by a group of individuals with the same basic mindset that caused the Greenwood District tragedy. A group of radicals whose perception of reality overrides all, who are willing to use violence and threats to obtain submission. The Group will not debate, they will not seek common ground, they seek only a reckoning based on hatred. A hatred of the United States. The Group shuts down anyone and anything that doesn’t fully grasp their righteousness. The Group is comprised of sick and twisted individuals that demand a new America. An America with their form of equality, fairness, and liberty. These groups wish to change the Constitution and amend freedom of speech to protect only speech The Group deems appropriate. The Group will demand open borders so that they can import more like-minded Group members. Those individuals that don’t know about our true founding and ideals...those that are blank canvases. The Group will demand Group participation in corporate boardrooms and filter speech and behavior under the disguise of fairness and equality. They will demand total submission from both small and large businesses. The Group will not allow for freedom of ideas and will financially destroy any business or group that thinks otherwise. The Group will infiltrate our schools, demanding we teach their version of history. The Group will demand all children learn about the illegitimate founding of the United States. They will teach children that our founders were racist hate-mongers and therefore everything they did or said should be excised from our history and ideals…including our Constitution. The Group will infiltrate our media demanding approval of stories or opinions, and will only display their approved version of reality. Objectivity and real freedom of the press will be dismantled and expelled, all in the name of political correctness determined by the Group's ideology. The Group will become mixed with our entertainment and movies. They will drive their message through 3 hour infomercials made in Hollywood, directed by Group members, and only allow for the advancement of their ideology. The Group will make certain that all movies and music obey the bylaws of the Group. Any variance means expulsion and public political flogging. The Group can be made up of communists, fascists, racists, supremacists--it doesn’t matter the makeup of the group. It’s the ideology and the methods used to enforce the ideology that matter. Totalitarianism mixed with Authoritarianism to fit the 21st century's version of total population control. This isn’t new to the world. The fact that the United States has successfully prohibited the Group from infiltrating our republic for the past 300 years is amazing in and of itself. But they are here now. And they are seeking our submission. We must understand, as a free nation, that a very powerful group seeks to totally dismantle the only thing that keeps us free, the U.S. Constitution. Once this is gone, whether through the judiciary, executive, or legislative branch, it will never come back. And we will all be subjects to the Group. We must overcome this threat, not by violence, but by exposure. The Group has a tragic flaw...Sunlight. They don’t want to be exposed until they have amassed enough power to not give a damn. Keep debating, keep telling the truth, keep exposing them. That’s how the United States wins. We lose if we become like the Group, if we use violence. This Group is ancient, it’s been on earth for centuries. The United States is the newbie. And once we are gone, they will again rule the world.
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