Welcome back to the #MisfitMemo, a rewind of some of our best (or worst?) tweets from the previous week. There were left turns by Trump, a porn scandal, something something women something, Hillary's blame book, and more! Don't forget to check out all our recent blog posts through the links provided at the end!
The week got off with a bang when Ted Cruz's account liked a porn tweet. Liberals feigned disgust, JR tweeted a couple dozen pics of a barely clothed Alyssa Milano, and Mo got reported! It was a fun day.
Trump continues to dodge commitments he made to his base on the campaign trail. They are starting to stack up and most are less than thrilled.
Of course there will always be the die hards out there, spinning so hard it would make most people nauseous.
And then there were those who were not surprised in the least.
ESPN found itself defending an employee who called the President a white supremacist. Another employee was previously suspended for saying political posturing is hurting the network. Another case of the "correct" political views being cool, but the "wrong" ones being shunned?
So this brings us to #Boobgate! Yep, BOOBgate. Clay Travis went on CNN addressing the latest controversy at ESPN, shockingly said he liked boobs and the people who take their kids to slut parades and pussy hat marches were outraged.
Women got their own hashtag for a day because apparently they need help to be heard and fight against...well, we don't really know. But you know how we do.
#AmplifyWomen was the perfect set up for Hillary making the media rounds for the release of her new book! We think it's fantastic! And by that we mean, it's fantastically mock-able.
Daryl made sure #ConstitutionDay was adequately recognized and Misfits followed suit.
And as usual, there was so much more to cover...
Don't forget to check out the latest posts:
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MisfitsJust a gaggle of people from all over who have similar interests and loud opinions mixed with a dose of humor. We met on Twitter. Archives
January 2024