Rebecca de Winter
“I don’t believe human and fetal remains should be treated like medical waste and disposed of in landfills,” Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.
In a clear victory for human dignity and the inherent worth and value of the unborn, Texas recently passed legislation requiring abortion clinics to bury or cremate fetal remains. The usual suspects are up in arms, of course – NARAL,,, the Satanic Temple (yes, you read that right). Those are all par for the course, and their hysterics are predictable, if not mildly entertaining.
Because their tantrums rarely lead to solutions, the progressive left and their ilk have been getting bolder in their protests – they have a curious way of demonstrating their displeasure in ways that would make even Veruca Salt blush. In the fall of 2015, feminists demonstrated their ire du jour by posting selfies of themselves in their urine-soaked pants in what they called the #pissforequality challenge. In another display of idiocy, a Harvard Business School graduate ran the London Marathon while menstruating, without any feminine products. She was hailed by feminists everywhere as a hero for “raising awareness.” This then led to the “free bleeding movement” (use your imagination, or not). “I felt kind of like, Yeah! F— you!,” she said. “I felt very empowered by that. I did.” Huh. I’m not sure what happened to the word “empowering” – but it’s no longer something I want for my daughter, based on current trends. Nothing gets the left riled up more than actions they perceive as a threat to their right to snuff out human life, and in what is possibly the most disgusting, repulsive campaign yet, women are being encouraged to demonstrate their rage about the new Texas rule by sending Texas Gov. Greg Abbott their used tampons (and other soiled feminine products). It started with this Facebook post, shared thousands of times before being deleted: “YO TEXAS LADIES/ IM SURE U HEARD/ AS OF DECEMBER 19TH: all miscarried and aborted fetal tissue must be cremated or buried in the state of Texas. So, if you aren’t sure about the fertilised status of your used tampons, panty liners or indefinitely ruined underpants, place them in a 4×6 bubble envelope and mail them to the office of Governor Greg Abbott for testing. It’s your civic duty.” While that alone makes me feel nauseated, I still could only roll my eyes about it until I discovered that the popular magazine, Teen Vogue, was promoting it. It’s one thing for grown women to gleefully crow about sending bloody tampons to the governor in a fit of pique, it’s quite another to encourage tween and teen girls to join in. The feverish screed goes on to claim: “Women are steadily losing what little control we had over our reproductive system, so who's to say the white men who make the laws around here won't soon punish us for losing eggs that could have been fertilized?” Note that this article (written for teen girls, remember) singles out “white men” as the villains. You don’t have to be a parent to understand that tweens and teens are highly impressionable, somewhat gullible and emotionally vulnerable (I recall sending my hard-earned babysitting money to PETA and Greenpeace in a rash of emotion at age 15 – I’m still embarrassed). The articles in the teen magazines I enjoyed when I was young included tips for the perfect manicure, which haircut would be the most flattering, and cutesy advice on “how to flirt.” Some of the featured video clips on the Teen Vogue site today are: “13 Sexting Secrets” “When You Hook Up With Your Friend” “The One Way You Should Be Having Sex” I guess they figure if they’re going to sell sex this blatantly to kids just a few years out from playing with teddy bears and tea sets, they should throw some good old-fashioned radical feminist abortion propaganda in there as well.
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