You know what irritates me? When people pronounce habanero as if it has an ñ in it. It does not. Jalapeño does, so feel free to n-yay your ñ-ass off on that last consonant. But it’s just habanero. Mexico is right next door, hermanas y hermanos. Taco Bell is no place to learn Spanish. Or Mexican, for that matter.
You know what else gets under my skin? People who don’t use turn signals. If you can easily advise me what it is you intend to do, isn’t it in your best interest to so advise? What if we all made decisions using your thought process? I might just pull out in front you, assuming you were going to turn. Or I might do a u-turn, follow you to your destination, and smash out your frigging turn signals after you’ve left the vehicle. How would you like that, Mario Andretti?
“I got a lot of problems with you people!”
I intend to use this space to occasionally vent my frustrations with all the stupid little things that bother me every day. These are legion, and they range from the ‘wtf is he on about?’ to the ‘Hell yeah! That shit pisses me off too!’ As with everyone.
What we really want this to be is a periodic column on the aggravating things that just get overlooked because life is too busy. It is true that other things are more important. But people need to vent. This is a safe space for bitching. We want to hear the things that piss YOU off. So when something gets on your tits (such as Americans like me using British expressions like “gets on your tits”), let me know.
What I envision here is Archie Bunker World. No irritant is too small. If something puts ants on you and you want to shout into the mists, tag me @LunaticRex on Twitter or Gab. Now you can be famous on Twitter AND in a blog post! How exciting is that?
Use the hashtag #OMYAC, if you please. I’ll just be over here moaning about the baggage retrieval system they’ve got at Heathrow. And those fucking pigeons.