“I’d like to have a word with you.”
“Ok.” “It’s just that some of us are starting to be uncomfortable with your posts.” “What do you mean?” “Well, you know, the ones targeting Trump and Fox News.” “No one seemed to mind me calling out the liberals.” “Yeah but that’s different, this is our guy.” “Shouldn’t we hold our guy more accountable?” “Eh, look, I don’t want to make a big deal out of it, I’m just saying people are unhappy with what you’re saying. Maybe you should post more about Clinton. She does bad stuff. Try being fair.” “I do, but I don’t give anyone a pass. That’s not how I do things.” “You could try. Or maybe like a few of the conspiracy posts from the guys. Talk about the rigged election. Stuff like that.” “I don’t think so.” “Then maybe just share a few of the other posts. Help us out.” “Some of that stuff is bigoted. I don’t want to be tied to that.” “Well, maybe you’re not a good Christian.” “I’m sorry?” “You know, pointing out people’s flaws all the time. You’re being judgmental. You should stop. No one’s perfect. Only Jesus.” “I am well aware of that. But as Christians, we aren’t supposed to ignore evil, especially when it arises from a supposedly Christian individual. We hold ourselves, and those claiming Christianity, accountable. We can rebuke without judging.” “I’m trying to tell you people are just tired of it. Maybe you need a break.” “A break?” “Yeah, you know, not say so much anymore.” “I don’t think that’s—” “Look, we appreciate all you did bashing Obama in the old days. But this doesn’t seem like it’s working out.” “Oh.” “I mean, unless you can just stick to bashing only Clinton – go back to how it was, you know what I mean?” “No, I don’t think so.” “Then think about taking a long vacation. Maybe even finding a new place to post.” “Right.” “Wouldn’t want things to get rough for you around here. I’d have to turn my back on you.” “Oh.” “So that’s it then! Glad that’s settled. Thanks. You take care. And try to be a better person.”
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By Guest Contributor @Machovellian
MAGA, #NeverTrump; Welcome to America! Now, compromise or be governed!
“I do not share your view, but I respect it.” This is a simple principle, yet so easy to get wrong. Why has it come to the result where we must agree on every last point in an ideological platform to be political allies? What has become of the Republican Big Tent? It would be easy to write this essay in a manner that hands out blame. There is certainly more than enough to go around. Instead, maybe we should think about this new (or maybe not new) overbearing need to force or shame or cajole everyone into thinking the exact same way before we can move on and be countrymen or *gasp* “friends”? Consider for a moment the how media informs us, what we take away from it, and the sheer volume we are fed. In an era where one can order a pizza by text message, the virtues of patience and compassion lose some of their meaning. Such a world is probably not conducive to a very polite society. We want what we want – when we want it – and if we don’t get it, expect to see Tumblr posts! Human Beings, as social creatures, strive to conform. In doing so we become tribal and, resources being inherently limited, territorial. It’s not difficult to see what happens when the domains of Human Nature cross with those mass-social media platforms that are driven by user-contributed content. Everyone with an idea is free to shout at the clouds and claim s/he’s right about everything. “If I’m right, then you must be wrong.” “If I’m -X- and you don’t agree on <random principle> then you must be -Y- with all its Republic-Threatening vices. I must, therefore, shame you into seeing the rightness of being -X- about <random principle> before there is anything else to discuss. #Block.” This ties into current events in that, almost half the population in this country have become so focused on being Not Obama, that it is the only area of agreement. Moreover isn’t this the type of ideological fascism that makes the idea of being Progressive insufferable? Isn’t it what rubs conservatives the wrong way the most? Why, on Earth, are we victimizing ourselves and one another over this simple fallacy?! Conservatives/Republicans have locked themselves out of the Office of The Presidency for the foreseeable future over this kind of weak thinking. They have become so fixated on not compromising with Democrats, that the word “compromise” has become an allergen, and so much so, they have lost the ability to compromise with one another. It must stop. Instead of shunning compromise, it would be better to try and win agreements. There are two main parties in the United States. That is our political system. Our Founders, in their wisdom (or folly), saw the dangers of factionalized politics. Those systems devolve into either the chaos of a Failed State or the tyranny that is the inevitable result of over-correcting the causes of said failure. And we are already witnessing whiffs of these sorts in Government overreach into our personal lives. When before 2009 were you required to buy something to be an American Citizen? When before 2012 were you required to provide a service that was against your religion? Do not say “it can’t happen here!” Democrats learned ten years ago that American politics is a team game. Despite record minorities in Congress they have embedded most of the Democrat agenda. They did it by sticking together. Having a leader they could unite behind was a key factor. The mistake Republicans have made is to become so focused on finding that uniting figure that they forgot about the actual “uniting” part. It’s time to compromise with one another with what’s available. This election or the next and all the ones after. You may not agree that Donald Trump is that figure. (I don’t think he is either.) But I have many other well-considered reasons for voting for him that are external to his being the GOP’s nominee. I’ve made peace with trying to unite with others voting for him, flawed as he is. You may not agree with my reasons. I accept that and still wish to remain your compatriot. I don’t share your view, but I respect it. I will not blame you for the loss, should Trump lose. I ask instead that you let this simple principle of respect for another person’s viewpoints be the seed that blooms into the compromises we must make the next time we meet to decide our politics. The risk of a One-Party State is elevated, and this is the only way to prevent it from becoming imminent.
Rebecca de Winter
Welcome to the first edition of the #MisfitMemo - our Weekly Rewind! Once a week we’ll be compiling some of our favorite tweets, hashtags and posts from the week in one place so we can spread the fun and shenanigans.
This past week was packed with news and humor, so we had a lot of fun with it. Two of the Misfits started Twitter trending hashtags, so let’s start off with that: The popular #BillMitchellQuotes started with @JHolmsted and we got some real doozies:
A huge trending hashtag, #ObamacareInThreeWords was started by @molratty - and it led to some fun:
Other memorable Misfit tweets from the week:
And to wrap it up, here are our latest blog posts – enjoy! Alex discusses the accountability (or lack thereof) of politicians: If Politicians Were Investment Advisors CDP expresses dismay at the gullibility of the American voter: America the Gullible The Misfits share their most treasured reads in this book roundup: Misfit Book Roundup Dan examines the fall from grace of Dr. Ben Carson: The Tragedy of Ben Carson Tune in next week for another edition of the Misfit’s Weekly Rewind! |
MisfitsJust a gaggle of people from all over who have similar interests and loud opinions mixed with a dose of humor. We met on Twitter. Archives
January 2024