Donald J. Trump will not be president forever. House Democrats will almost certainly fail in their efforts to effectively overthrow the duly elected president, so it is safe to assume Trump has anywhere from one to five more years in the Oval Office. No matter what, that time will pass quickly, much as the last three years have, and then Donald Trump’s administration will end. It is also safe to assume that there will be no shortage of articles addressing the ’aftermath’ of the Trump presidency. Anyone astute enough can predict the content regarding the left’s perceived ’loss of respect on the world stage,’ and ’years of being the laughingstock,’ along with the ’damage to our nation that needs to be repaired.’ There will be, however, an even larger fallout after the last vestige of President Trump vanishes from the White House. Post-Trump America is already coming into view, but the changes may not be what many on the left are expecting.
One of the biggest changes may be how the average informed voter views the deeply entrenched ’establishment’ in Washington D.C. When Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, establishment Democrats and Republicans alike attacked him. Most GOP resisters only started to support him after a year of economic successes and personnel changes. Others, of course, joined in with leftists in everything but admitting it - the McCain Republican types. Democrats, on the other hand, became more embittered and emboldened in their efforts to eject the outsider from office as time passed. Both parties are staking their future on the hope that America has a short memory, and this could prove to be a losing bet. Post-Trump Republicans will no longer be able to shrug their shoulders and ’play nice’ when the Democrats attack their policies and platforms. Trump has shown voters what happens when you stand up to the political bullies on the left and punch back. Voters on the right will expect this action from the GOP for the foreseeable future, and they will expect retaliation when Democrats attempt to vilify the conservative base as they are prone to do. Likewise, voters on the left will be forced to choose either the hard-left socialism that has infiltrated the Democratic party via extremists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and their ilk, or become independents forced to vote for the ’lesser of their perceived evils’. Likewise, Donald Trump will leave many Americans’ expectations of global policies altered. After several years of allowing nations like China to create a trade deficit and place tariffs on American goods, President Trump has begun working to balance trade with foreign nations. Countries that have continued to bully and threaten the United States have found themselves in a stare down with the most powerful nation on earth and have backed off. People expecting to illegally waltz across American borders are finding themselves forced to abide by our laws: Enter our country legally or be escorted back out. Complain and threaten as they may, the left has yet to come up with a viable alternative to the current immigration laws that Trump asked for within the first year of his presidency. All of these policies add up to a strong sovereign nation, regardless of what the Democrats and their mainstream media mouthpieces suggest in their now-hourly (fake) panics. While on the subject of the mainstream media, they will also suffer dramatic repercussions after Donald Trump leaves office. Having spent the last three years fighting the president and impaling their careers on the sword of leftist narrative, the mainstream media’s credibility continues to plummet. From ABC News’ Brian Ross reporting that Trump told Flynn to make contact with the Russian government while he was still a candidate, to the July 27, 2018 CNN story falsely reporting that Michael Cohen was prepared to tell Mueller that the President knew about the Trump Tower meeting in advance, the media has tripped over itself trying to release the ’bombshell news’ that would finally cause the outsider president to leave the Oval Office. It has been the same media, however, which has had to retract story after story, and lie after lie, when the pesky social media swarm finds out the truth and calls them out. The result of their blatant misreporting has left a once-reliable media less trusted than Congress. Likewise, many once respected conservative bloggers and contributors threw their status and reputations in the dumpster and risk removing themselves from the conservative conversation altogether. Right-leaning voters watched with disgust as Bill Kristol, Tom Nichols, Jennifer Rubin, Max Boot, along with others suffering from advanced Trump Derangement Syndrome seemed to align their political philosophies with the hard left mainstream media in everything but name. Many news outlets have already been forced to downsize or close their doors for good due to people turning away in disgust and searching for more, er, reliable sources. This unreliability only promises to be more problematic if Donald Trump wins the 2020 election. The 'aftermath' of the Trump presidency promises to affect the political and media establishments far greater than it will average voters, who are now enjoying low unemployment rates, higher pay, and fewer regulations. It is those very politicians and journalists who are bringing the Armageddon upon themselves, however. They truly cannot comprehend that ’we the people’ can see their self-destructive behavior and they will inevitably attempt to spin the narrative in a futile effort to convince America of their persecution while under the Trump administration. Only the weak minded will buy into their story.
MisfitsJust a gaggle of people from all over who have similar interests and loud opinions mixed with a dose of humor. We met on Twitter. Archives
January 2024