Alex F. Baldwin
The Sorceress
What Does a Blue Wave Look Like?
It’s a Write-Off, Jerry!
What 401K Limits Say About Priorities
Mother Land
Know Your Friends and Know Your Enemies
Not So Fast
The Tax Reform We Need is Simplification
Alex Hates Old People
Merrick Garland's Supreme Court Seat
There are No Free Rides
How Congress Manipulates CBO Projections
No, the Intelligence Community is Not Going to Save Us
Throwing Cold Water on the Gorsuch Appointment
Where *Can* Conservatives Find Allies on the Left?
I Wouldn't Hire Donald Trump, and I Won't "Wait and See" Either
Straight Talk on Healthcare
"Both Sides Syndrome" and the Moral High Ground
In Praise of Misfits: An Open Letter to My Favorite People on Twitter
The Very Worst of Christmas Music
Thanksgiving Foods, Ranked
San Francisco is Getting Richer, Pennsylvania is Getting Poorer, and Donald Trump is President-Elect Because of It
Chicken Fingers, Cubs and the Most Important Thing I Ever Did
If Politicians Were Investment Advisors
The GOP's Wasted Estate Tax Opposition
Trump's (Probably Unintentional) Big Idea
Stop Blaming Everyone Else: It's the Voters' Fault
Arguing Over Pickles
Propose an Amendment or Move On
That Time that Thomas Piketty Was Right
Rand Paul and Rick Perry Are Right
Revisionist History
I'm Not Even Going to Try to Hide My Nerdiness
I found (some of) the Boys
- a follow-up on Rebecca's
Where The Boys Are
Why Did it Take This Long to Team Up Against Trump?